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September Community Calendar
1…… Annual John David & Anna Bell Keilholtz Family Reunion, Thurmont Community Park, 19 Frederick Rd., Thurmont. 12:30 p.m. Pot luck buffet and fried chicken lunch served. Please bring covered dish, dessert if desired & beverage, place setting, and $2 wrapped gift for bingo game.
1…… Tom’s Creek UMC “Mulch” Fundraiser: $5/3-cubic-ft. bag Brown Hardwood Mulch or $4/20 bags or more. Orders can be picked up at Baughman Farm, 12120 Harney Rd., Taneytown. Orders: Curtis Baughman 443-336-5269. Mulch can be delivered to you for a goodwill donation. www.tomscreekumc.com.
1…… Sunday Worship Services, Thurmont UMC, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. Traditional service 9 a.m. Contemporary service 10:30 a.m. All are welcome. www.thurmontchurch.com.
2…… Served with Grace Free Dinner, Graceham Moravian Church, 8231-A Rocky Ridge Rd., Thurmont. 5:30-7 p.m. www.gracehammoravian.org.
2…… Community Clothes Closet, Thurmont UMC, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. 6-7:30 p.m. Free clothing for men, women & children. For emergency needs call 301-271-4511.
2…… Our Lady of Mount Carmel’s Annual Labor Day Festival, Parish Hall, Church St., Thurmont. Noon-5 p.m. $15/adult; $6.50/ages 6-12; Free/ages under 5. Family-style dinner. Music by Home Comfort Bluegrass Band. Raffle (3 prizes), Bingo, Big Wheel, White Elephant Stand & Jars available.
3…… Balance & Strength, Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 11 a.m. Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri.
3…… Yoga (every Tuesday), American Legion Post 168, 8 Park Ln., Thurmont. 5:30-6:30 p.m.
3…… Coffee & Chat, Thurmont Senior Center, 8806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 10 a.m. Also: 10, 17, 24.
3…… Preschool Storytime (Tuesdays), Thurmont Regional Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 10:30 a.m.
3…… Get Ready for Kindergarten (Tuesdays), Thurmont Regional Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 11:15 a.m.
4…… Bingo, Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 1 p.m. Also: 18.
4…… Queen of Hearts Drawing (every Wednesday), American Legion Post 168, 8 Park Ln., Thurmont. 7:30 p.m.
4…… Cornhole Tournament (every Wednesday), American Legion Post 168, 8 Park Ln., Thurmont. Doors open 5 p.m.; games 7 p.m.
4…… Toddler Storytime (Wednesdays), Thurmont Regional Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 10:30 a.m.
4-10. Memory Lab by Appt., Thurmont Regional Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont.
5…… Youth Taekwondo (every Thursday), Thurmont UMC, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. 5 p.m. Guest Instructor Master Pete Golden. For more info.: contact Pastor Ken 301-991-7839.
5…… Over 40 Self-Defense Classes (every Thursday), Thurmont UMC, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. 7 p.m. Guest Instructor Master Pete Golden. For more info.: contact Pastor Ken 301-991-7839.
5…… Bingo (every Thursday), American Legion Post 168, 8 Park Ln., Thurmont. 7 p.m.
5…… Musical Storytime (Thursdays), Thurmont Regional Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 10:30 a.m.
5…… Line Dancing (every Thursday), American Legion Post 168, 8 Park Ln., Thurmont. 7 p.m.
5…… Elementary Explorers (Thursdays), Thurmont Regional Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 4 p.m.
5…… Dominoes, Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 1 p.m. Also: 12, 19, 26.
6…… Emmitsburg Farmers Market (every Friday), 302 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 3-7 p.m. Local produce, wine/beer tastings, local meats & eggs, fresh-baked goods, crafts & more. Food trucks every week. Questions: 301-401-2094.
6…… Bingo (every Friday night), Thurmont Event Complex, 13716 Strafford Dr., Thurmont. Doors open 5 p.m.; Bingo 6:45 p.m. Tip jars; food; jackpot up to $1,000. Benefits Thurmont Community Amb. Srv. www.thurmonteventcomplex.com.
6…… Zumba, Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 10:15 a.m. Also: 9, 13, 20, 27.
6-8… 68th Thurmont & Emmitsburg Community Show, Catoctin High School, 14745 Sabillasville Rd., Thurmont. Free admission/free parking. Food vendors, community org. & business displays, free entry of exhibits in large gym, Baked Goods Auction, Pet Show, plus petting zoo, activities for all ages, contests, entertainment & so much more. thurmontemmitsburgcommunityshow.com.
7…… Bingo, St. Anthony’s Shrine Upper Hall, Emmitsburg. Doors open 5 p.m.; games 6:30 p.m. Raffles, tip jars, great food & fun. Proceeds benefit St. Anthony Cemetery Fund. www.sasolmc.org.
7…… Union Bridge Cash Bingo Banquet, Union Bridge Fire Hall, 8 W. Locust St., Union Bridge. Doors open 3:30 p.m.
7…… Family Storytime (Saturdays), Thurmont Regional Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 11 a.m.
8…… Sunday Worship Services, Thurmont UMC, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. Traditional service 9 a.m. Contemporary service 10:30 a.m. All are welcome. www.thurmontchurch.com.
8…… Shotgun Shoots, Indian Lookout Conservation Club, 17107 Riffle Rd., Emmitsburg. Registration noon; shoots 1 p.m. Tip jars available.
8…… Lewistown Ruritan BBQ Chicken Dinners, Fish Hatchery Rd. & US 15. 10 a.m.
8…… EOPCC’s 25th Birthday Party, EOPCC Emmitsburg, 121-123 W. Main St., Emmitsburg. 2 p.m.
8…… Bunko, Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 1 p.m.
9…… Baby Storytime (Mondays), Thurmont Regional Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 10:30 a.m.
9…… Teen Safety: Stop The Bleed, Thurmont Regional Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 6 p.m.
12….. Roy Rogers Fundraiser for Thurmont Senior Center, Roy Rogers Restaurant, Thurmont. 5 p.m.
14….. Lions Club Chicken BBQ, 17701 Creamery Rd., Emmitsburg. 11 a.m.-until sold out. $12. Half chicken with potato salad, applesauce & chips. Credit cards accepted. Delivery contact Lion Dianne 301-676-1561.
14….. Bingo, Rocky Ridge Vol. Fire Co., 13516 Motters Station Rd., Rocky Ridge. Doors open 5 p.m.; games 7 p.m. Food available for purchase.
14….. Car Show, Thurmont Event Complex, 13716 Strafford Dr., Thurmont. 8 a.m.-2 p.m. $15/registration fee (included one BBQ chicken dinner). Additional meals $11. Dash plaques to first 100 registered. Trophies awarded 1 p.m. Music/DJ by Joe Brown. Door prizes, games, 50/50. Kitchen open. Vendors wanted: 240-674-1235 or 301-667-1545.. Benefits Thurmont Comm. Amb. Co.
14….. 64th Annual Lord’s Acre Festival, Wolfsville Ruritan Park, 12708 Brandenburg Hollow Rd., Wolfsville. 2 p.m.
14….. Teen Pizza Party with NAMI, Thurmont Regional Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont.1 p.m.
15….. Sunday Worship Services, Thurmont UMC, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. Traditional service 9 a.m. Contemporary service 10:30 a.m. All are welcome. www.thurmontchurch.com.
16….. Teen 90s Craft Night, Thurmont Regional Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 6 p.m.
17….. Community Clothes Closet, Thurmont UMC, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. 10-11:30 a.m. Free clothing for men, women & children. For emergency needs call 301-271-4511.
17….. Gettysburg Community Concert Association Presents Incantare, St. James Lutheran Church, 109 York St., Gettysburg, PA. 7:30 p.m.
19…. Seated Massage by Marie Free, Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
19….Senior Potluck Lunch (55 & Up), 11:30 AM, St. mark’s Lutheran Church, 17015 Sabillasville Rd, Sabillasville.
21….. Jacob’s Church “Concert In The Valley” Free Dinner & Concert By 2nd Chance Ministries, 495 Harbaugh Valley Rd., Fairfield, PA. 4 p.m.
21….. One Book, One MD Haitian Book Discussion, Emmitsburg Public Library, 300 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 11 a.m.
21….. Apple Dumpling Pre-Order, Drive-thru at Union Bridge Firehall, 8 W. Locust St., Union Bridge. 1 p.m.
21….. Flea Market, Legacy Livestock Auctions, 137 Emmitsburg Rd., Thurmont. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Call 301-712-5176 to set up. 240-440-4841.
22….. Sunday Worship Services, Thurmont UMC, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. Traditional service 9 a.m. Contemporary service 10:30 a.m. All are welcome. www.thurmontchurch.com.
22….. Frederick County Health Department’s Rabies Vaccination Clinic, Thurmont Community Park, 19 Frederick Rd., Thurmont. 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
22….. 1800s Era Worship Service, Harriet Chapel, 12625 Catoctin Furnace Rd., Thurmont. 10:30 a.m. Honoring the enslaved workers buried in the Slave Cemetery in Catoctin Furnace. Gospel music by Waseme.
22….. Shotgun Shoots, Indian Lookout Conservation Club, 17107 Riffle Rd., Emmitsburg. Registration noon; shoots 1 p.m. Tip jars available.
22….Weller UMC, Friendship Sunday (Bring a Friend to Church), 9:30 a.m. Children are invited to bring a stuffed animal for a blessing, mission presentation. 101 North Altamont Ave., Thurmont.
23….. Community Clothes Closet, Thurmont UMC, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. 6-7:30 p.m. Free clothing for men, women & children. For emergency needs call 301-271-4511.
23….. Crafting Fun w/Pauline’s Pals—Rock Painting Party 1, Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 1 p.m.
23….. Teen Hands Only CPR Training, Thurmont Regional Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 6 p.m.
26….. Thurmont Grange Roy Rogers Fundraiser & Bake Sale Night, Thurmont Roy Rogers, 203 Frederick Rd. Thurmont. 4:30-8 p.m.
26…Frederick County Parks and Recreation Superhero Training Day, 3:00- 6:00 p.m. For ages 3-10. Pinecliff Park, 8350 Pinecliff Park Rd, Frederick
26….Weller UMC, Bible Study at 1:00 p.m and 7:00 p.m.. 101 North Altamont Ave., Thurmont.
26….. Farkle, Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 1 p.m.
28….. Summer Barn Dance Series, Good Soil Farm, 9736 Keysville Rd., Emmitsburg. Tickets/Info.: https://wp.me/pbx1hy-15P.
28,29 Pippinfest Annual Outdoor Festival, Main Street, Fairfield, PA. Food, crafts, live music, car show, quilt exhibit, beer garden, kids entertainment corner. Petting zoo 10 a.m.-noon. www.pippinfest.com or 717-642-5640.
28… Tour De Catoctin to benefit the Thurmont Lions Club, start at 7:30 a.m. & 8:30 a.m., $50 donation includes shirt, register at www.tourdecatoctin.com
28….. 175th Anniversary Celebration, Thurmont UMC, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Rain or shine. Something for everyone. Food & ice cream, games for kids to include bouncy house, live music, indoor yard sale, vendors, car show & bike blessing. Come help Thurmont UMC celebrate 175 years serving the Thurmont community.
28….. Rocky Ridge Vol. Fire Co. Sportsman’s Dinner, 13527 Motters Station Rd., Rocky Ridge. Doors open 5 p.m. Dinner 6 p.m. Drawing begins 7 p.m. $30/person (includes meal). No alcoholic beverages. www.rockyridgevfc.com.
28….. Cruise In The Storm 2024, Thurmont Carnival Grounds, 123 E. Main St., Thurmont. 5-8 p.m. $5 entry fee per car. Taylor Brown Elvis Tribute Show. Meet & Greet Heather Storm from Garage Squad. Sponsored by Thurmont Guardian Hose Co.
28….. Thurmont Lions Club’s Sandwich Sales, Bell Hill Farm, Rt. 15, Thurmont. 9 a.m.-sold out. Pit beef, pork, ham & turkey sandwiches.
28….. AYCE Crab Legs, Steamed Shrimp & Fried Chicken, Thurmont Event Complex, 13716 Strafford Dr., Thurmont. Doors open 4 p.m.; eat 6-8 p.m. $40/person. Beer & wine coolers. Tip jars & 50/50. Proceeds benefit Thurmont Comm. Amb. Srv. Tickets: 301-748-5359 or 301-271-3820.
28….. Horse & Tack Sale, Legacy Livestock Auctions (Celebrating One-year Anniversary), 137 Emmits-burg Rd., Thurmont. Tack at noon; Horses at 3 p.m. 240-440-4841.
29….. Sunday Worship Services, Thurmont UMC, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. Traditional service 9 a.m. Contemporary service 10:30 a.m. All are welcome. www.thurmontchurch.com.
29….. Apple Dumpling Pick Up, Drive-thru at Union Bridge Firehall, 8 W. Locust St., Union Bridge. 1-3 p.m.
30 Teen Spooky Cookie Decorating,Thurmont Regional Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 6 p.m.