Photo by Carie Stafford
Guest Speaker Sheriff Chuck Jenkins speaks at the National Wreaths Across America Day Ceremony, sponsored by the Thurmont Lions Club.
The second Saturday of December is National Wreaths Across America Day, and this year was the third year the Thurmont Lions Club has sponsored the program in Thurmont.
On Wednesday, December 14, 2022, a tractor trailer owned by Sheetz, Inc. was given an escort from Catoctin Furnace Road on Rt. 15 to the Thurmont American Legion Post 168 by the Thurmont Police Department and the Thurmont Guardian Hose Company. Cub Scout Pack 270 and BSA Scout Troop 270 were on hand to assist in off-loading 70 boxes, equaling 630 wreaths.
On Saturday, December 17, the Thurmont Lions Club hosted a ceremony, with guest speaker Sheriff Chuck Jenkins. Veterans laid wreaths to recognize each branch of the military, and Sheriff Chuck Jenkins laid a wreath in honor of all emergency services personnel.
Thurmont residents, along with Cub Scout Pack 270, BSA Scout Troops 270B & G, Venturing Crew 270, and Girl Scouts of the Nation’s Capital, laid wreaths at five cemeteries: Weller United, Blue Ridge, Mt. Carmel, Apples Church, and Graceham Moravian cemeteries. The Wreaths Across America mission is to Honor, Remember, and Teach.
If you would like to donate or purchase a wreath, please visit or, or send to The Thurmont Lions Club, 15000 Roddy Road, Thurmont, MD 21788 (in the notes, put Veteran name and cemetery).