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The Optimist Club of Frederick held its 15th Annual Fish with a Cop program this June at the Camp Airy Pond in Thurmont. There were 26 boys and girls from across Frederick County who took part in the program. A total of 28 officers from Frederick City, the Sheriff Department, Maryland State Police Department, National Resources Police, and Thurmont Police Department participated in the program this year. 

The officers picked up the children from their homes and transported them to the pond. The Optimist Club provided a new Zebco rod, reel, and tackle for each child who attended.

The officers, as well as club members, worked with the kids to help them develop or further their fishing skills. The main purpose of this program is to encourage the children to enjoy the great outdoors and to give them a positive experience with police officers.  

When the fishing was done, the Optimist Club held a cookout and fish fry for the children and officers. They were served grilled hotdogs, chips, fried fresh fish, and ice cream sundaes. The officers then took the children back home. 

The following sponsors contributed to the program this year: The Brotherhood of the Jungle Cock, who made this program possible by stocking the pond and providing a tent and tables, and Camp Airy for use of their pond. A big thanks to the Strong Tower Church for providing most of the food for the program and helping cook it. Because of these sponsors and police officers who volunteered their time, the children and officers had a very memorable experience. Thank you again to all who helped with this program again this year. 
A special thank you to the law enforcement of Frederick County. They volunteer their time to make sure a child has a good time, all while taking time from their own families. They should be commended for their dedication to the community of Frederick County.

Frederick Sheriff, Brunswick, and Natural Resource Police

Bently Beachley, Shawn Haynes, Elias Barahona, CPL McKenzie Neville, Lorenzo Byrnes, Jayce Smith, Daniel Kristiansen, James Krepelin, OFC Nathaniel Minnick, Senior Officer Chad Marshall, DFC Nicholas Thomas, OFC Matt Crouse, DFC Travis Dykoff, SGt Tim Duhan, SGT Brad Lowe, OFC Will Faith, CPL Josh Keeney, DFC Amber Owens, and Patrick McEntee.

Frederick City and MD State Police

Daniel Kristiansen, Edna Dalhia Saint De Deo, Hunter Heims, Christian Maximo, DeSean Gomez, Ceasar Gamez Orellana, Anthony Ngalibika; (second row) TFC Tim Coss, SGT Rich Kulina, OFC Vincent Burns, CPL Josh White, TFC Adam Sweckard, SGT Greg Lantz, TFC Kole Riggs, TFC Noah Potvin, OFC Joseph Constantine, OFC Irvin Solano; (back row) Michael Johnson, TFC Jason Rickard, TFC Kevin Carter, Zaiden Cox, TFC Stephen Carr, and Jameirah Thompson.

What Goes Up Must Come Down

by Christine Maccabee

The chilly, windy rainstorms of May and June are over, with much flooding and sadly loss of life and property in Ellicott City, Frederick City, and elsewhere.

The humid weather has now set in, which, of course, breeds gnats, mosquitoes, and other tiny flying pests; yet, swallows and blue birds need them to feed their newly hatched babies, as well as themselves. So, I try to appreciate them, even as I  transplant my peppers and tomatoes, which should have been planted a month ago, if the rain had just abated.

Many gardening friends, both professional and serious hobbyists, have expressed frustration about the quantity of cold rain this spring. Having read a bit from good sources, and even as I use my own intuition, I now believe I know what is happening. All during that cold, rainy spell, I kept saying “What goes up must come down.” I would say it to people I met as we ran into the Food Lion or CVS, sometimes taking time to explain my theory, which at this point is no theory at all, but actual. The earth’s natural air-conditioning system is disappearing as the many amazing glaciers, Greenlands white snow/ice shield and the polar ice caps are melting. Everything is melting three times faster than expected. (Once it is all melted, then we will see even hotter weather with wildfires and drought, already occurring in many places out west.)

Some of this melting ice flows into the ocean, and some evaporates into the atmosphere. All this is simple science, which even my twelve-year-old grandson understands. The Earth is becoming confused, and so are we. Human stress levels are soaring and suicides increasing. Yes, we can no longer deny what is happening on many levels, and many people are becoming more aware. Truth is, levels of CO2 emissions (and methane, as well) remain high and our lifestyles contribute to it daily. Did you know that mowing acre upon acre of grass on large estates is one of the greatest contributors to CO2 pollution? So, who cares, you ask.

Actually, we all should care. Even if many people in our own country do not care, many of us do and are working towards positive changes, such as alternative energy use and conservation practices. Yes, when the rain comes down it affects us all, even those of us who care, and it is not getting any better. According to studies made at the University of Pennsylvania, future hurricanes will be qualitatively different than ones we have seen thus far, possibly even worse than past ones. Allow me to explain.

Due to more moisture in the atmosphere and disruption of climate patterns, hurricanes are moving more slowly and linger longer over larger areas, thus perhaps all the very cold rain and wind we saw this spring in our part of the world. Future hurricanes, due to continuing melting of ice and snow (even our beautiful snow-capped mountains are in trouble these days) could see winds up to 200 mph or greater. Recent hurricanes, such as Irma, saw 185 mph winds in the Virgin Islands, and Patricia went as high as 200 already. These are winds far beyond a category 5. Experts are saying they are in a new category: 6.

Pope Frances, a wonderful advocate of caring for Creation, invited leading oil executives to a two-day conference at the Vatican. No matter your feelings about the Pope, he says it straight, and he said it there to CEOs of ExxonMobil and other energy producers. He said we can and must do better, and though “Civilization requires energy, energy must not destroy civilization,” and he encouraged innovation. I am sure he would also encourage living more conservatively, more simply.

So, as the rains continue to fall on us all, and the winds get stronger and sea levels rise, and fires and drought increase, we will all need to be inventive and conservative in order to survive. As for me, I will persist in growing my own food and herbs, support local farmers, provide  habitat for wildlife, and mow less. I will also vote.

Such a wonderful country and world we have. I thank God for the beauty and mystery of Creation every day as I work with it and explore it. I hope you enjoy it—gnats and all—and never take anything for granted, for it is a precious gift we should all cherish and protect.

The Optimist Club of Frederick held its eighth annual Fish with a Cop program on Saturday, June 3, 2017, at the Camp Airy pond in Thurmont.  There were twenty-seven boys and girls from across Frederick County who took part in the program. Officers from the Sheriff’s Department, Maryland State, Frederick City, Brunswick, Thurmont, and the Department of Natural Resources Police participated in the program.

The officers picked up the children from their homes and transported them to the pond. They were then given a Zebco combo rod and reel, along with tackle from the Optimist Club. The officers and club members worked with the kids to help them develop or to further their fishing skills. When the fishing was done, the Optimist Club held a cookout and fish fry for the children and the officers. Following the cookout, the officers took the children back home.

The following sponsors contributed to this wonderful program: Safeway Foods, Food Lion, Wegman’s, Weis, The Brotherhood of the Jungle Cock for stocking the pond with trout, Camp Airy for use of their pond, Camp Airy Director Tim Olson for all his assistance, Zebco for the fishing equipment, and Frederick County elementary schools. Because of these sponsors and policemen who volunteered their time, the children had a very memorable experience. The Optimist Club would like to extend a huge “thank you” to all who helped with this program.

For more information, contact Pat or Craig Taliaferro at 301-663-8116 or

Pictured from left are: (top row) Tr. 1st Class Nick Farioli, Ofc. Tim Duhan, Master Trooper Matthew Crouse, Lt. Mike Lee, Alexis Gray, Ofc. Sara Evans, Aux, Ofc. Dylan Owens, X’Zavier Rollins, Detective Jeff Putman, Ofc. Mike Conover, Sgt. Angela Waechter, Ofc. Joe Constanine; (second row) Patricia Taliaferro (chair of Fish with a Cop), Malachi Prather, Haven Miesner, Logan Heims, Jared Clair, Jack Wilkins, Luis Barrera, Allen, Jorydn Brown, Juan Duran, Brigido Reyes, Dunique Allen, Brandon Hoalim, Braydon Bagent, Deon Melvin, Earl Gamber President, Tony Martin Optimist member; (third row) Cpl. Christopher Handler, Ofc. Laura Albrecht, Cpl. Brad Lowe, Cpl. Jerimy Tindal, Cpl. Josh White, Tr. Adam Oleyar, Sgt. Paul Schur, Tr. Kyle Knowles, Major Tim Clark, Cpl. Dan McDowell; (front row) Albri Teran, Allen Lane, Wayne Jenkins, Dylan Baker, Lacie Hughes, Will LeGore, Alexandria Geiger, Vincent Napoli, Dustin Thomas, Austin Zembroski, Joseph Fritz, and Jaffet Palacios.

A fire above Thurmont between Route 550 and Kelbaugh Road consumed seven acres on Sunday, November 21, 2016. The fire started around 2:00 p.m., was contained by 5:00 p.m., and fully extinguished by 8:00 p.m. It was started by downed power lines.

Ironically a new fire broke out around 1:00 a.m. the following morning near the same area. It is believed that the second fire started when a spark from the first fire was carried by the wind to the new location.

Initially, Thurmont’s Guardian Hose Company responded to the second fire, and by 7:30 a.m. fifty to seventy-five fire fighters were involved. Responders from Thurmont, Graceham, Emmitsburg, Rocky Ridge, Wolfsville, Smithsburg, Leitersburg, Frederick City, Camp David, Lewistown, Greenmount, Middletown, Blue Ridge Summit, Raven Rock, and more reported to help. Route 550 was closed to traffic during these fires.

Graceham Fire Company’s Assistant Chief, Louie Powell, was in command at the base of the mountain on Route 550 where water, gas, food, and holding tanks were set up. A canteen truck was brought in from Independence Fire Company to feed the responders.

Powell explained that to pump water up the mountain to fight the fire, a fire truck from Rocky Ridge had a 5” supply line pumping from the holding tanks to an engine from Vigilant Hose Company, and then that engine pumped through to another engine, and so on, to reach the fire higher up the mountain. He said, “It’s a neat operation.”

Neither of these fires resulted in a threat to human life, nor was there damage to homes or buildings. The second fire consumed approximately ten more acres of forest before being fully extinguished sometime in the afternoon on Monday.

Thanks to the many residents who provided assistance to the firefighters by opening access routes, allowing access to your property, and allowing the use of your private ponds for water. Good job to everyone who pulled together to successfully beat these fires!


Photo of fire by Donna Sweeney,


photo of basecamp by Deb Spalding

The Dirt on Minerals

by Bob Warden

I hope your hunting season went well, and your freezer is full of venison and your mind full of memories. My season was successful and I have plenty of bologna, chip, and hot dogs to get us through the year.

Now we start the real work to help our deer herd make it through the winter and into the spring, antler growing and fawning seasons. As soon as possible, if you are on private land, you need to start replenishing what the deer have lost through the breeding season and the cold winter months. By this, I mean helping them replenish fat reserves, vitamins, and minerals. I am big on deer nutrition for the health of the herd and for antler growth.

Through the winter, where it is legal, I use a grain-based product, Maxi-1 (15 percent protein) by WYLD Mineral products. Please do not use just corn. Deer need a variety of things, and only feeding them corn does not give them the protein they need. Corn is just a carbohydrate, and too much corn can actually change a deer’s digestive process. They can starve with a full stomach of corn. If you research it on the Internet, you will see what I mean.

As you can tell by my nickname, “Mineral Bob,” my big thing is getting the right minerals in my deer. You can do this year round but it is highly important from March through September. During these months, as things green-up, deer eat a lot of vegetation that is high in water and potassium, which will make them urinate more and in the process, they lose high amounts of salt, calcium, and phosphorus. By just putting out a salt block, the deer will be attracted to it, but will miss the two main minerals they need: calcium and phosphorus. These minerals will help in milk and fawn production, muscle development, and antler growth. So, use the salt as the attractant (this time of year deer crave salt) to get the deer to take in the other essential minerals for overall health.

Look at the labels on the product you use, choose as close to 30 percent total calcium and phosphorus as possible, with calcium being close to twice the amount of phosphorus. The amount of salt in your product is a well-debated topic. I use WYLD Minerals Orchard blend, which is 47 percent salt, 15 percent calcium, and 9.5 percent phosphorus, along with other trace minerals.

One thing to remember is that the closer you are to the ocean, the less salt the deer need.

Emmitsburg’s Green Efforts Paying Off

James Rada, Jr.

The Town of Emmitsburg recently replaced its street lights with LED lights. The result is that the cost to run those lights has dropped by nearly two-thirds.

This is just one of the ways that the town’s efforts to go green—while reducing costs and maintaining the quality of life in town—have paid off.

Last year, the town signed a resolution to participate in the Sustainable Maryland Certified Municipal program.

“It’s a state program with the University of Maryland Environmental Center that puts together a series of tasks or projects that lead toward the better use of community resources,” said Jerry Muir, who is coordinating the town’s certification efforts.

To become certified “Sustainable,” a municipality must accrue 150 points from a project list. According to a memo to the town from Muir, “These include, in general groupings, Local Food initiatives such as the Farmers Market; Energy Efficiency such as establishing a carbon footprint; Community Wellness programs; Green Business recognition; Land Use Planning and Conservation; Pet Waste disposal and education programs; Environmental Conservation Programs such as Tree City, Watershed Protection, etc.” There are dozens of projects a town can choose from to accumulate enough points.  

Emmitsburg had already been doing some of the potential tasks, such as having a farmer’s market and community gardens. Seeking the certification has pushed the town to look for new ways to become green. One such innovation was that the town built a solar energy field to provide it with 100-percent renewable energy.

“The long-term benefit is a better use of resources, and the town becomes a lot more environmentally aware,” Muir said.

He also added that should environmental grants become available in the future, the certification will help in winning them.

In Frederick County, Frederick City is already certified and Brunswick is working towards that goal.

“In the next few months, we should have enough points to be certified,” Muir said.

The last thing that Muir expects to be needed to accumulate enough points for certification is for the town to send out an energy survey. Once that is complete and the points added to Emmitsburg’s tally, certification can be made.

“The Mayor and Town Council have made an environmental commitment to become as environmentally efficient as can be,” Muir said.