Pictured from left are: (front row) Lions Nancy Echard, Dianne McLean, Gayle DiSalvo, Bev Nunemaker; (back row) Lions Marci Veronie, Joyce Anthony, PCC Bob Muchow, FVDG Nadja Muchow, PDG Paul Cannada, and CS Susan Favorite. Absent from picture: Lions Julie El-Taher, Doug Favorite, Donald Keeney, Jr.
The 2022 Multiple District 22 Convention was held April 22-24, 2022, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The convention was an outstanding event. The Lions Memorial Service, numerous seminars, District luncheons, meetings, candidate’s hospitality rooms and election of incoming officers were well attended. Past International Director Steven Sherer from Ohio was the guest speaker. PID Sherer’s messages were very informative, full of stories about his wife, Lion Mary Ellen and himself were inspirational.
District Governor presented numerous awards to his cabinet members and throughout District 22-W. Lion Joyce Anthony was named to the District 22-W Honor Roll. This award recognizes Lions who have rendered outstanding service to their club and their community at the “grass roots” level over an extended period of time, who exemplify the spirit of Lionism through their unselfish dedication, and who are deserving of District-wide recognition for their efforts in support of Lionism. The Thurmont Lions Club had 13 members attending the convention.