The U.S. Postal Service is observing the 20th anniversary of the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program, which was created in 2003 to commend USPS employees who go above and beyond the call of duty in a variety of situations, such as assisting lost children, getting help for sick or injured customers, spotting fires, and more.

Around 5,500 individuals, known as PMG heroes, have been recognized through the program, which reflects a simple, yet powerful, idea: Because they know the habits of their customers and the rhythms of their communities, Postal Service employees are often the first to notify emergency personnel and render aid when something is wrong.

Delivering mail 365 days over the 20 years of the PMG Heroes’ program would equate to 7,300 heroes if we were to recognize a hero everyday. However, all our heroes are not recognized because of their humility, and often after assisting a member of their community, they continue their route without saying a word.

Most recently in Washington, D.C., letter carrier Donald Proctor saved a customer from choking. After dislodging a piece of cheese using the Heimlich maneuver and saving this customer’s life, he continued delivering mail and finished his day without sharing the story. It wasn’t until one month later the customer felt compelled and wrote a letter to the station manager, sharing the heroic story. They were reunited during a local PMG Hero event, and she was able to thank her “angel,” her new name for him.

This is one of many untold stories of everyday heroes at the Postal Service. 

Today, potential PMG heroes are nominated by postal colleagues. After approved nominees receive a commendation letter from Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, they are featured in the “Heroes’ Corner” column on Link, the organization’s national employee news site, where it has become a popular mainstay. In 2020, “Heroes’ Corner” received a national award for excellence in employee communications.

But to be nominated, they need to hear from you, our customers, our neighborhoods, and our livelihood.

If you know of a PMG Hero, please contact your local post office and share your story.

To learn more, the PMG heroes’ stories are archived at to illustrate how Postal Service employees do so much more for their communities than deliver mail.

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