Currently viewing the tag: "Security in Changing Times"

(Yes, you really are in control!)

Terry Pryor, Writer, Poet, Life Coach and Student of the Mind

We live in a world where things change. It has always been that way, but never as fast and furiously as today. There was a time when job security referred to maintaining a job as the result of possessing special skills and seniority. One was pretty much assured of retiring from a job that lasted 20 or 30 years. Not only has that description of job security faded from our vocabulary, but jobs themselves appear to be changing at an alarming rate.

It may not be just company downsizing, company relocation, uncertainty because of COVID lockdowns, the isolation of working from home, or the normal feelings of being stuck, unsatisfied, and unhappy in a job that does not allow you to be all that you know you can be, it’s a constant fear to which we’ve become accustomed to that worries us into illness, stress, and strain. We have questions that appear to have no answers.

Now is a good time to change your life! Declare that today you are through with dead-end jobs—you are in control! It starts with you and it starts now.

In the next several months here in The Catoctin Banner, we agree with James Hillman who said, “You have to give up the life you have to get the life that is waiting for you.”

We’re going to reveal a results-driven, step-by-step strategy to achieve the job you want, live in a state of happiness you create, and achieve an abundance that you seek.

Step One Starts Now

FEAR (False Experiences Appearing Real), along with anger and love, is a basic human emotion. Fear is a reaction with a long history of survival advantages.

During a fearful situation, the blood goes to big muscles (like legs), allowing the person to run faster. Also, the body freezes up for just an instant, allowing the brain to decide if another reaction would be better (like hiding). Hormones are released in the brain, centering attention on the threat and looking for the best reaction.

The evolutionary purpose of fear is to prompt us to react.

Interestingly, and this is important to understand, fear occurs during the manifestation of a real or perceived attack.

Living and working in today’s COVID climate can certainly create fears, and being human, we react to fear as explained above. But remember, we also react to perceived as well as real fears. Where is fear perceived? It’s all in the mind.

Tricking the Mind

Here is an amazing example of how the mind works. Denis Waitley, one of America’s most respected authors, keynote lecturers, and productivity consultants on high-performance human achievement, implemented what he called Visual Motor Rehearsal into the U.S. Olympics program. He and his researchers hooked athletes up to sophisticated feedback equipment. They then had the athletes compete in their event only in their minds.

An amazing thing happened. The very same nervous reaction occurred in their bodies as when the athletes competed in real life.

The same muscles fired, heart rates sped up, and breathing increased. This is a clear indication that the mind cannot tell the difference between an actual event and a vividly imagined one.

We all have experienced nightmares. I know that I have had some real doozies. In one dream, I was being chased through a forest that became thicker and more tangled as I ran. In my dream, I knew that I should try to circle around and turn back, but I wasn’t sure where my boogieman was, so I continued to go forward. I could hear him gaining on me, getting closer and closer as I slowed down. Finally, he was so close I could literally feel his breath on my neck. At that moment, I woke up gasping for air, sweating, and with my heart nearly pounding out of my chest. It took me several minutes to realize that I was trying to get away—from nothing! My mind, however, didn’t know this and was creating a reaction in my body as if the situation were real.

It’s time to believe in you—to create a belief in your mind so strong and powerful that you live as if it were already a reality!

The 12 Months of Power

The 12 Months of Power you are about to embark upon are practical actions that will guide you to manifest your perfect job, your improved life, and a new way of looking at yourself and your world.

Each month will feature an activity that builds up momentum and a plan of action.

The 12 Months of Power contain incredibly empowering mental practices designed to bring you all manner of opportunities and self-empowering exercises for wealth-building, personal security, and self-improvement.

Invest your time to read this column each month.

It is your acorn helping you to grow into your mighty oak. The seed of your power is contained and growing within you right now.

Month 1 Begins in the March edition of The Catoctin Banner Newzine!