Currently viewing the tag: "income-eligible families"

Seton Center, Inc.’s Outreach Office in Emmitsburg offers a holiday program called Helping Hands. At Easter and Thanksgiving, income-eligible families receive local food store gift cards, so they may purchase foods and prepare a holiday meal according to their unique traditions. This Thanksgiving, because of the community’s support, seventy area families participated and were able to enjoy a less stressful, more dignifying holiday celebration.

At Christmas, the Helping Hands program provides food store gift cards for meals and retail store gift cards for children, ages thirteen to eighteen, to purchase gifts. Generous sponsors also provide unwrapped Christmas presents for children, ages up to twelve. The donated gifts are arranged in store-like fashion, so parents may visit Seton Center to choose gifts from their children’s wish list.

Cliff Sweeney (pictured above) visited to drop off $1,000 in Jubilee Foods and Wal-Mart gift cards from the Emmitsburg Sons of the American Legion to Seton Center’s Director Sister Martha Beaudoin (pictured above) for the Helping Hands program.

If you are interested in participating as a recipient, call 301-447-6102 x11. To partner with Seton Center as a sponsor, call 301-447-6102 x13.