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The Graceham Moravian Church Handbell Choir was founded in 1966, under the direction of the late Dr. James L. Fisher. October 23, 2016, marks the 50th Anniversary of the first performance of handbells at Graceham Moravian Church.

The Graceham Moravian Church will celebrate this milestone with an Anniversary Lovefeast on October 23 at 10:30 am. Bells of Grace will play “Christian Joy,” composed by Dr. Fisher; and “I Will Praise You, Lord,” composed by Mr. Jack Fisher, who will also direct the choir for the ringing of the piece. An Anniversary Choir, including several alumni of past choirs, will perform “Simple Gifts,” arranged by Dr. Fisher. For the first performance in 1966, Dr. Fisher led the first nine ringers in an arrangement of “O God Our Help in Ages Past.” A Moravian Lovefeast is a service of singing and sharing together a simple meal of Moravian sugarcake and a beverage. A luncheon will follow the service. The celebration is open to all.

Bells of Grace, the current bell choir, is directed by Linda Franklin. Since 2012, she has introduced the choir to a variety of new techniques and an expanded repertoire of music. Franklin, and many other ringers, received their first experience and training in the art of handbell ringing as teenagers under the guidance of Dr. Fisher. Other directors include Jack Fisher, Sandy (Blake) Sigel, Tom Fugate, Mark Long, and Morris Blake.

In addition to playing for worship services several times a year at the Church, Graceham Moravian handbell choirs have performed at many churches in Thurmont, throughout Frederick County, and around the country. They have given concerts at a wide variety of venues, including Moravian Music Festivals, the Weinberg Center for the Arts, Fairview Chapel, Knott Arena, and Catoctin Colorfest. They have played solo and mass-ring pieces for Frederick County Bell and History Days in Emmitsburg, and workshops and accompanying concerts sponsored by the Westminster Ringers. Most recently, Bells of Grace performed for the Catoctin High School 2016 Baccalaureate service.

Other performances of Bells of Grace for the remainder of the year will be the Thanksgiving Lovefeast on Sunday, November 20, at 9:15 a.m.; the Christmas Concert on Wednesday, December 14, at 7:00 p.m.; and Christmas Eve services at 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m., all at the Church. Graceham Moravian Church is located at 8231-A Rocky Ridge Road in Thurmont. All services are open to all.
Members of the Bell Choir in the 1970s.