During the June 8, 2022, membership meeting, Lion President Dianne McLean (pictured on right) provided the club’s “Lion of the Year” award to Lion Carie Stafford (pictured on left).
Lion Carie has been a Thurmont Lion since 2019. During this short period of time, she has single-handedly taken on the planning and coordination of two very important service projects: Wreaths Across America and the club’s annual 9/11 Memorial program. Each of these important programs require a considerable amount of time, effort, and coordination. Lion Carie contacted several individuals and groups to participate in both programs, which included politicians, musicians, speakers, and first responders, just to name a few.
As a leader of Scout Troop 270, she has also assisted with having Scouts help with the Thurmont Lions Club’s service and fundraising projects, such as the Easter egg hunt, the pit sandwich sales, and Colorfest. During regular club meetings, Lion Carie provides updates on the Scouts activities. She also works with the Venturing Crew and Girl Scouts. She is a dedicated Lion, supporting Lionism and community service. For more information, visit www.thurmontlionsclub.com or contact Lion Susan Favorite at skfavorite@comcast.net or 240-409-1747