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jEanne Angleberger, Shaklee Associate for a Healthier Life

Are there health benefits to having a professional facial? You know the benefits if you’ve had one. You feel them during and following the facial. It is a great way to find out how your skin is reacting to outside and inside elements like pollution, hormones, and stress.

Getting a facial steam can help increase the circulation of blood in the face. It also opens up the pores and cleanses your skin thoroughly.

It can help reduce stress. A facial puts you in a very relaxed state. Until you experience the process of this wonderful feeling, it is unknown as to how wonderful and relaxed you can feel. It relaxes the senses, nerves, and muscles. There are hundreds of pressure points on your face that are connected to various systems in your body.

Getting a deep cleansing of the facial skin increases circulation. A facial can detoxify, exfoliate, and hydrate. It leaves you feeling rejuvenated.

Keeping your skin healthy is a part of anti-aging. You’ll notice a younger look and feel to your face immediately after the facial. Regular facials boost cell regeneration and promote collagen development.

Our skin is exposed to all types of environmental toxins every day. Your face needs a way to recover from these. Even if you cleanse and wash your face every day, you need facials to detoxify it.

Your skin is the largest organ and a direct reflection of internal healthiness.

In addition, you’ll benefit from the massaging of the head and neck area and the arms and hands.

Your skin type (oily, dry, prone to acne, etc), the condition of your skin, your skincare goals, and your budget will determine how often you should get a facial. Consult a Licensed Esthetician. It is important to learn the healthiness of your facial skin. This treatment is very beneficial. Only you’ll know how it feels and looks!

jEanne Angleberger, Shaklee Associate for a Health

Winter vegetables are nutritious and available. The weather outside might be below freezing, but that does not mean your vegetable choices are limited!

Below are a few tasty and healthy winter veggie suggestions.

Brussel Sprouts. Brussel sprouts are loaded with vitamin K, sometimes referred to as “mini cabbage.” They roast well with a medley of vegetables seasoned with salt, pepper, and coated in olive oil.

Rutabaga. A favorite of yours truly is rutabaga. It is a yellow-tinged, potato-like vegetable with a slight sweetness. It supplies your body with vitamin C, fiber, and potassium. Adding to the roasted veggies makes a nutritious side dish. Rutabaga is low in calories, too.

Butternut Squash. Another winter vegetable is butternut squash. It is packed with beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. It’s good for your immunity.

Turnips. As a child, turnips were routinely served on our family dinner table. They have a peppery zing with plenty of vitamin C. Turnips are an excellent source of antioxidants, minerals, and dietary fiber. I confess I enjoy their flavor more now.

Carrots. Carrots show up during all seasons. They are a perfect addition to your roasted veggies. My favorite is glazed carrots cooked in the microwave. Very easy to prepare. The honey gives them a sweet flavor. To learn more about carrot health benefits, visit

Beets. Beets have some of the highest natural sugar levels of any vegetable. They are high in fiber and a good source of folate and vitamin C, with a sweet taste. You can roast, steam, or boil beets.

jEanne Angleberger,

Shaklee Associate for a Healthier Life

Getting Water From Your Foods

Being properly hydrated is so important for our overall health: to keep body temperature regulated, to keep joints lubricated, to prevent infections, to keep organs functioning properly, and more. Did you know that being well-hydrated also helps with sleep, cognition, and mood? Hydration is about much more than drinking water.

Staying hydrated through food is an idea most of us may not think about. Did you know that eating certain fruits and vegetables may help you stay energized and hydrated?

Vegetables high in water content are broccoli (91%), bell pepper (92%), spinach (93%), and cucumbers (97%). These vegetables are a perfect addition to a garden salad.

There are a number of fruits with high water content: cantaloupe (90%), grapefruit (90%), oranges and pineapple (88%), strawberries (91%), and watermelon (92%). Whether preparing a fruit salad or eating any of these fruits individually, these healthy fruit choices provide ample hydration.

You may want to try making your own beverage with fresh fruit, herbs, and veggies. Citrus berries and melons pair well with fresh ginger or mint.

Adding cucumber slices or lemon slices to water or using an infusion pitcher makes a refreshing beverage.

These suggestions are healthier choices than drinking a carbonated soda. This is a good list to think about when you’re thirsty. And, all of them are familiar foods.

Stay hydrated year around. Your body will function better when its hydrated!