Currently viewing the tag: "Pack 270"

Wreaths Across America is an annual collaborative that honors our nation’s veterans around the holidays by placing wreaths on their graves.

Several organizations went to work to transport, deliver, unload, and distribute wreaths in the Thurmont area on Wednesday, December 13, 2023. A Sheetz truck delivered 72 boxes containing 12 wreaths per box for a total of 864 wreaths to volunteers representing the Thurmont Lions Club, the Sons of the American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary, the American Legion Post 168, the Town of Thurmont, Cub Scout Troop 279, and Pack 270. The wreaths were unloaded, prepared for distribution, and delivered to local cemeteries.

Pictured left to right are: April Fordham, Alex Dankanich (American Legion), Mark Resch (Pack 270), Jimmy Best with Parker Best (Troop 270) and Aubrey Best (Pack 270), Allen Middendorff (Thurmont Lions Club), Jim Robbin’s, Brian Glass, Buz Mackley, and John Byrne (American Legion).

Photo by Deb Abraham Spalding

Pack 270, Troop 270B, Troop 270G, and Crew 270 proudly announce their Scouting for Food on November 7, 2020, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please leave a labeled bag at the curb (curbside pickup only available within Thurmont town limits). You can also drop off your donation at Thurmont Weis Markets Commuter Lot (next to McDonald’s) or the Scout House on Elm Street.

For more information, please email