Currently viewing the tag: "opiate receptors"

jEanne Angleberger

Shaklee Associate for a Healthier Life

Endorphins trigger a positive feeling in the body. Endorphins act on the opiate receptors in our brains, reducing pain and boosting a feeling of well-being. What does it take to raise the endorphin level in the body?  My first thought is “helping someone in need!” Everyone experiences an unexpected need during their lives. How would you respond?

First, is recognition. What is happening with this person? What can I do to help? Next is considering how I can help. After all, what if it were me? Would someone come to my aid?

Making the decision to help someone benefits more than just the person you are helping out. When a person performs or carries out an act of kindness, the brain releases endorphins. This helps boost your psychological health. Your focus is providing support for someone in need, but it’s also rewarding your health.

We are often told to “treat ourselves” when we are feeling down, yet research suggests that to best boost our moods and to feel uplifted and happy, we should treat someone else, not ourselves. We are all part of a support network by recognizing and encouraging each other. One kind word can change someone’s entire day!

My paternal grandmother was progressive in her thinking during her time. She taught me to help people in need. We should look after others when we can.

I believe an unexpected kindness is the least costly and most underrated act we can do as human beings. No matter how small the act!

No one will leave the universe without having a need at some point in their lives. There is no shame in asking for help.

So, the next time someone in need catches your eye, how will you respond? It may be small to you, but to the recipient, it could be life-changing. Connection is vital.