Currently viewing the tag: "Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame"

Nancy L. Rice of Thurmont was one of 23 honorees inducted into The Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame (MSCHF) for the year 2023.

The induction ceremony and luncheon were held on October 19, at Ten Oaks Ballroom in Clarksville, Maryland. Each inductee received a membership certificate, an MSHF lapel pin, and a copy of the “Blue Book” that includes the name, picture, and a brief summary of volunteer service for each of the honorees. A copy of the book is kept in the archives at the Langsdale Library, University of Baltimore.

The Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame, Inc. is a private, all-volunteer organization that has been functioning since 1987. Their sole purpose is to publicly recognize and honor, each year, individual senior citizens aged 65 and over. Nominees must live in Maryland and have performed outstanding service in their communities.

Rice was the only recipient of the award for Frederick County. She also received one of only three GERI awards for outstanding volunteer work in the State of Maryland. “My heart is filled with gratitude,” expressed Rice.

It was stated that Rice is a hardworking, devoted, caring, and compassionate volunteer. For the past five years, she has filled nearly every hour of each day doing volunteer work, with the desire to make the world a better place.

Her church pastor describes her as a pillar of the Weller United Methodist Church. He noted that, in her desire for the church to flourish, Rice serves as head of the Altar Guild and works to bring beauty to the sanctuary. She is also a gifted singer who participates regularly in a music team. Rice keeps busy serving as secretary to the Board of Trustees, co-chairperson of the History Committee, treasurer of Weller Cemetery, and co-chairperson of the Weller Care Team. Rice stated that her heart and soul are with the Care Team. She prepares and delivers hot meals with dessert, each week, to shut-ins who no longer cook. She also sees to other needs someone may have. For instance, she handmade a footstool (in her late husband’s workshop) for a lady to help elevate her legs. Rice also regularly visits church members in their homes or nursing facilities. She is described as a go-getter and serves wherever she is needed.

The Thurmont Senior Center reports that their center has benefited from Rice’s inspiration for many years. She serves on the board of directors. In addition, she spends countless hours raising funds for the center. She wore out her new electric stove after five years from all the desserts she bakes each month for the center’s benefit. She bakes approximately 500 apple dumplings a year, which are sold at their monthly bake sale. In addition, her peach dumplings, whoopie pies, chocolate bark candy, caramel popcorn, and various kinds of cookies are very popular and can be found at the bake sale as well.

Nancy Rice is further described as a strong woman of faith, filled with love for others. Mentioning her name during conversations with others is said to put a smile on their faces as they think about the wonderful things she has done for them and others. Congratulations, Nancy Rice!

Nancy is pictured after accepting the GERI Award Plaque for outstanding volunteer work in Maryland. Only three inductees received this honor.

Nancy Rice accepts the Frederick County Award of Distinction from the Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame (MSCHF): (from left) Parker Koons, President MSCHF; Carmel Rogues, Secretary of Aging, Maryland Department of Aging; Todd Sullivan, Associate Executive Director of Oakcrest Senior Living.

Courtesy Photos

Helen Deluca

Congratulations to Roy Clever, a recent inductee to the Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame. Roy received the honor for the many ways in which he volunteers to help others. He dedicates his time to four principles: God, family, country, and community.

Roy and his wife, Dorothy, are active members of Weller Methodist Church, and, in the past, Roy volunteered for several missions to Costa Rica.

He served as a Marine in the Korean War. In 2011, he was nominated for Town of Thurmont Volunteer of the Year, which is sponsored by the Lions Club. Returning after thirty-four years of teaching and serving as a principal in Frederick County Schools, he now volunteers at the Thurmont Senior Center, where he continues to be an inspiration and mentor to others.

After more than twenty-two years as president of the Board of Directors at the Center, he is currently, as vice president, using his experience to assume responsibility for a variety of legal and financial matters regarding the Center.

Roy has a quiet, thoughtful type of personality. The result is a dependable, resourceful, and kind individual who is always ready to help and volunteer.

He is the third inductee into the Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame from the Thurmont Senior Center.


Roy Clever is shown receiving his Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame Award on October 27, 2016.

Photo taken by Kim Clever

Deb Spalding

20151022_132431_resizedCongratulations to Helen Deluca of Thurmont, who was recently inducted into the Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame. Her volunteer contributions to the Thurmont Senior Center, senior citizens in general, her church, and the community are very deserving of acknowledgement. As a column contributor to The Catoctin Banner newspaper, Helen’s willingness to communicate with readers in regard to senior citizen news has been greatly appreciated. She has a kind heart and consistent purpose. She and her husband, George, have contributed great things to our community over the years.

The 29th Annual Awards Luncheon of the Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame, Inc., was held October 22, 2015, in Glen Burnie, Maryland. Of the forty-eight seniors citizens honored this year, Helen was the only representative from Frederick County. Helen was surprised by members of her family who flew in to celebrate with her.

Helen has lived in northwest Frederick County since the early 1970s. She was part of a concerned neighbors group, formed to preserve the conservation of the area where she lives from encroachment of a proposed ski resort, road closures, and sewage treatment plant on a mountain stream. She is a very active volunteer at her church, Our Lady of Mr. Carmel Catholic Church, in Thurmont. There, she won the 2008 Archdiocesan Medal of Honor Award for Service.

She retired from her position as Head Checker at Giant Food in Rockville in 1972, then became active on the Senior Council with the Town of Thurmont and became a member of the Thurmont Senior Center. At Giant, she received the “Cashier of the Year” award and with it, a trip to Bermuda.

At almost eighty-nine years young, she serves as an advocate for all seniors, through her words and actions. At the Thurmont Senior Center, she was instrumental in helping through the transition from Frederick County governance to an independently managed non-profit center.

We appreciate all of your work, Helen! Life has its “Senior Moments”—this one’s for you.

Photo by Lew Hamlett

helen deluca

From right (back of head is Helen’s daughter Nancy Hamlett, granddaughter Angela Cotie (flew in from Texas), George Deluca, Helen Deluca, Carol Humerick, Jim Humerick, Irene Matthews, Kathy Dowling, John Dowling, taking picture is son-in-law. Daughter Carol Council flew in from North Carolina on Friday to join them for dinner Friday night to celebrate Helen’s award.