jEanne Angleberger
A homemade smoothie offers the best nutrients. Why? It’s the ingredients you whip up at home, with no additives! You can make a great-tasting, healthy smoothie in a snap. Homemade smoothies contain little or no added sugar and include a balanced amount of carbs, fiber, protein, and healthy fats. Great fruits to try in your smoothie include apples, bananas, blueberries, peaches, cantaloupe, strawberries, and mangoes, just to name a few. Great veggies to add to your smoothie include zucchini, spinach, cucumber, red beets, and cauliflower, just to name a few.
Fresh fruits are the best when in season. However, frozen fruits are perfect any time of the year. Frozen fruits are just as rich in vitamins and minerals as fresh ones. So, you can enjoy a nutritious smoothie any season throughout the year. Using a frozen fruit blend can get you started. You may want to try one with dark, sweet cherries.
Also, there are frozen fruit-and-vegetable blends. They contain more fruit than vegetables. Dole’s Fruit & Veggie Fruit ‘n Greens has more mango, banana, apple, and pineapple than spinach.
I also add a vanilla-flavored protein powder for additional protein.
If you have fresh bananas, berries, or other fruit on the verge of spoiling, you can freeze them, and they will be ready for a future smoothie!
Banana peanut smoothie is my favorite! It takes four ingredients, plus added protein powder. Combine almond milk, bananas, peanut butter, and ice in a blender. You can reduce calories by replacing the peanut butter with 2 tablespoons of peanut powder. It’s made from pressed, roasted peanuts. To use as a spread, mix 1 tablespoon water to 2 tablespoons peanut powder.
A smoothie is nourishing as a snack, light breakfast, or anytime when you feel a pang of hunger. By combining healthy ingredients, you can make these nutritious drinks to replace your breakfast or lunch; made with the right ingredients, they are satisfying enough to be a meal replacement. Make nutritious smoothies a new addition to your healthiness!