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American Legion Post 168, Thurmont

The Membership Picnic will be held on Sunday, September 8, starting at 1:00 p.m. Doors open at noon. Tickets are $25.00 each and are available at the bar. To purchase a ticket and attend the picnic, your 2024 dues need to be paid and you must be 21 years old. The deadline to purchase your ticket is Sunday, September 1. You MUST show your 2024 membership card at the gate entrance to attend.  We are looking forward to a good time and want to thank all the volunteers in advance for all they do for the picnic. This is also a good time to pay your 2025 dues.

Platoon 22 was presented with a check for $7,000 from the 3rd Annual Golf Tournament (shown above). Pictured from left are Allen Middendorff; Alex Uphold, State Farm Thurmont Office; Niki Falzone, Executive Director of Platoon22; Rick Hall; Debra Middendorff; and Carie Stafford.

Octoberfest is quickly approaching, and volunteers are always needed. Please check in with your Officers to see where you can be useful. The Auxiliary is always looking for baked goods. Cookies are a hit, so if you can bake a few dozen, that would be great.

Remember to follow us on Facebook (The American Legion Post 168)for weekly and upcoming events like Pop-up Shops, Veterans Luncheon, and Breakfast with Santa.

“The Patriot’s Pen” Essay Contest

Each year, the VFW Post 6658 Auxiliary in Emmitsburg sponsors a contest, titled “The Patriot’s Pen,” which is open to students in grades 6 through 8.

Students are required to do a typed essay of 300-400 words based on the theme: “My Voice in America’s Democracy.” Monetary prizes are given to the winners on local, state, and national levels. Judging is based on knowledge of theme, theme development, and clarity of ideas.

If interested, please contact Annette Wivell at 240-675-0356 for an entry form. Entry deadline to VFW Post 6658, Emmitsburg, is October 31, 2024.

“Voice of Democracy” Contest

Each year, the VFW Post 6658 in Emmitsburg sponsors a contest, titled “Voice of Democracy,” which is open to students in grades 9 through 12. Students are required to record a 3-5 minute audio essay based on the theme: “Is America Today Our Forefathers’ Vision?” 

Monetary prizes are given to the winners on local, state, and national levels. Judging is based on originality, content, and delivery.

If interested, please contact Eric Wivell at 240-675-0346 for an entry form. Entry deadline to VFW Post 6658, Emmitsburg, is October 31, 2024.

American Legion Post 168, Thurmont

In a few short weeks, these students and many others will be starting the school year. Congratulations to the Thurmont Legion Scholarship winners. Best of luck to everyone, and we wish you a successful school year.

The 3rd Annual Golf Tournament was another huge success for Platoon22. Thanks to all the sponsors, supporters, volunteers, and golfers that participated, we were able to donate $7,000 to Platoon22.

The Auxiliary will be having its members picnic/meeting on Monday, August 19, at 6:00 p.m. Any Auxiliary member planning on attending is to bring a side dish or a dessert. We would love to see you there.

July started a new year with new or returning officers taking their positions in the Legion.

Legionnaires Officers: Commander — Debra Middendorff; 1st Vice Commander — Chris Ingicco; 2nd Vice Commander — Connie Trica; Adjutant — Nick Middendorf; Finance — Carie Stafford; Chaplin — Alvin Hatcher; Judge Advocate — James Mackley; Sergeant at Arms — Allen Middendorff; Post Resource Officer — Chastity Brown.

Sons of the American Legion: Robby Maze — Squadron Commander; Larry Anderson — 1st Vice; Donnie Eztler — 2nd Vice; Ed Culb — 3rd Vice; George Albright — Adjutant; Brian Glass — Finance Officer; Tony Cornejo — Chaplin; Danny Hurt — Sergeant at Arms.

Auxiliary Officers: President — Alesha Subasic; 1st Vice — Melissa Kinna; 2nd Vice — Denice Dujardin; Secretary — Lisa (Eyler) Reed; Correspondence — Palma Willard; Historian — Alice Eyler; Chaplain — Alice Eyler; Treasurer — Joyce Glass; Sergeant at Arms — Amanda Barth.

The new membership year is in full swing. The membership dues for 2024- 2025 are: Legion — $45.00; SAL 21 and up — $25.00; SAL under 21 — $15.00; Auxiliary — $35.00; Jr. Auxiliary — $12.00.

The Membership Picnic will be held on Sunday, September 8. Tickets will go on sale August 15. You must be a member to attend. You will need to show your 2024 Membership Card and you must be 21 years of age.

Remember to check us out on Facebook: The American Legion Post 168 for kitchen specials and other events and happenings at the American Legion. Check the Community Calendar in this issue for August event dates and times.

Tracey Burdette award scholarships to Emma Magers, Zoey Whitmore, and Garrett Worth.

American Legion Post 168, Thurmont

Happy Independence Day—the day America was born, because of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, separating us from Great Britain. Have a safe and enjoyable holiday!

June 15th was a beautiful day to have our Car Show. There were some spiffy-looking vehicles on the lot! Thank you to all the volunteers and patrons for your support. Your support goes a long way to assist the Veterans and the community.

National Hire a Veteran Day is on July 25 to remind employers to consider Veterans to fill their open positions. Veterans bring competitive skills to civilian jobs, along with core values cultivated by Military Service. To learn more about this day, check out the website at

In June, we held the installation of new officers in the Legionnaires, Sons, and Auxiliary. Come out and support your new officers for the 2024-2025 year.

We are always looking for new ideas. Please start the new year (July 1) by attending as many meetings as you can and sharing your ideas or just helping with the events we have going on. Get more involved for our Veterans!

For more information on banquet hall rentals, call the Legion, Monday through Friday, at 301-271-4411.

Attention Auxiliary JUNIOR Members: Dues for 2025 (starting July 1, 2024) will increase to $12.00.

Winners of the Poppy Poster Contest, shown with Teresa Snyder and Auxiliary President Alice Eyler, are Hailey Weber, Chase Shoemaker, Brayden Weber, and Blake Duvall.


American Legion Post 168, Thurmont

Wow, things sure have slowed down a bit. We hope everyone had a happy and safe New Year! Thank goodness the first snowfall of the year was not as bad as they were calling for, but the wind was something else! Hopefully, you were able to join us for Candy Bingo. It is always a great time, and to watch the excitement in the kiddos’ faces, is always fun. Join us on February 24 for the next Candy Bingo.

The month of February has some interesting days.

February 1st is National Freedom Day; while it is not a national holiday, it is an observance to commemorate the historic signing of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution by President Abraham Lincoln. This amendment outlawed slavery, representing a major step toward equality for all Americans.

February 4th is USO Day; again, it’s not a national holiday, but a birthday celebration of the American nonprofit charitable corporation. USO provides live entertainment, care packages, and much more. The USO is the bridge connecting overseas soldiers to their friends, families, and homes. They are partnered with the Department of Defense to serve everyone in military life. The troops fighting in WW2 were the first to benefit from this organization’s efforts, and now almost 4.9 million members are impacted by the USO. To learn more about the USO and how you can benefit or help, visit the website at

February 14th is Valentine’s Day–Celebrate You! For years, even decades, Valentine’s Day has been a religious celebration, an ancient ritual day, and a commercial holiday. All that change means the meaning of Valentine’s Day is truly whatever you want it to be: You can skip the celebrations completely, buy yourself some chocolate or flowers, or express your love and appreciation for the people in your life, whether they are co-workers, romantic partners, friends, or family members.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook to keep up with weekly specials, events, and happenings: Kitchen Specials, Yoga, Queen of Hearts, Corn Hole Tournament, Bingo, Line Dancing, and Meat Pack Raffles. Check out the Community Calendar in this issue for weekly event dates and times.

Thurmont American Legion Post 168

The American Legion family would like to extend a big shout-out to the seniors at Catoctin High School: Congratulations on your graduation! We wish the class of 2021 a happy and successful future.

Flag Day ceremonies will be held Monday, June 14, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. The location is Thurmont Memorial Park. In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777, by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. At the ceremony, flags will be disposed of properly, by having a flag burning ceremony.

The American Legion’s kitchen hours are Wednesday through Friday, from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Please join us for carryout (301-271-4411) or dine-in. Specials for the week are posted on our Facebook page: The American Legion Post 168.

Francis X Elder Post 121, Emmitsburg

Submitted by Kevin Cogan, Commander Post No. 121

Great hope and anticipation await us in June. Schools will be out for the summer, and families will be able to spend some much-needed time together in the outdoors. Enjoy this time, take in some sunshine and make note to the representation of our great country by where you might see our U.S. flag proudly displayed.

The United States flag was approved by congress as our nation’s flag on June 14, 1777.  June 14 commemorates this date as Flag Day. The colors represent: White—purity and innocence; Red—valor and bravery; and Blue—vigilance, perseverance, and justice. The stars represent the heavens and the stripes are symbolic of the rays of light streaming from the sun. Also, the stripes are our first 13 colonies. Our brave military takes hold of our U.S. flag and never desert its followers. It is a powerful symbol of our Americanism, as it represents us, the American people, and all the sacrifices good people have made to make it the great country we are able to live freely in today.

A few other dates of significance for June: June 6, 2021—Anniversary of the World War II Allied invasion in Normandy, France, known as D-Day (1944). During World War II (1939-1945), the Battle of Normandy, which lasted from June to August 1944, resulted in the Allied liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany’s control. The battle began on June 6, 1944, also known as D-Day, when some 156,000 American, British, and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along a 50-mile stretch of France’s Normandy region; June 20, 2021—Father’s Day. Let’s salute our military fathers and give thanks for all fathers on this day; June 25, 2021—The anniversary of the start of the Korean War (1950). It was a conflict between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) and the Republic of Korea (South Korea). The war reached international proportions in June 1950, when North Korea, supplied and advised by the Soviet Union, invaded the South. The United Nations, with the United States as the principal participant, joined the war on the side of the South Koreans, and the People’s Republic of China came to North Korea’s aid. After more than a million combat casualties had been suffered on both sides, the fighting ended in July 1953, with Korea still divided into two hostile states. Negotiations in 1954 produced no further agreement, and the front line has been accepted ever since as the boundary between North and South Korea; June 27, 2021—National PTSD Awareness Day. National Center for PTSD help:  800-273-8255 (press “1” if you are a Veteran). Anyone who wants to learn more can visit the National Center for PTSD website at

Unit #121 ALA will be hosting Trivia Night on Friday, June 11, at 7:00 p.m., and Bingo on Saturday, June 19, at 7:00 p.m.

The SAL will host the annual fishing derby held on Sunday, June 6, at the pond on Kline Farms, located between Thurmont and Emmitsburg on Rt. 15.

Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month. For more information, call us at 301-447-2274. Veteran regular member meetings will be held at Kumps Dam through September. 

Thank you to all who support the American Legion and our military personnel.

For God and Country!

Thurmont American Legion Post 168

Happy Veterans Day!  Who/What is a Veteran?  Title 38 of the Code of Federal Regulations defines a Veteran as “a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.”

To show our appreciation to our Veterans, if you are a member at Thurmont American Legion, please stop by Post 168 on Wednesday, November 12, between noon-9:00 p.m., to receive a thank you for your service from the Auxiliary. Show your love to our Veterans by wearing a Poppy for the month of November, or all year round! Don’t have a Poppy to wear? We have a fix for that. To pick up your poppy to wear (for a donation to the Veterans), you can stop by Main Street Thurmont (11 Water Street), Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, from noon-4:00 p.m.; Marie’s Beauty Salon (21 Meadow Lane; call 301-271-4551 for hours); or the Thurmont American Legion (8 Park Lane), Monday through Sunday, from noon-11:00 p.m.).

Interested in becoming a Legion member? Thanks to the LEGION Act, we can now have more members: Stop by the Legion and ask for an application to join as a Legion member, Son of a Legion member (SAL), or an Auxiliary member.

The kitchen is open Wednesday through Friday, from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Call to place your order at 301-271-4411 for carryout, or you can eat in our dining area. Remember, you do not need to be a member to enjoy the awesome specials and regular menu items we offer, just follow us on Facebook: The American Legion Post 168. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Stay safe and healthy.

Thurmont American Legion Post 168

Ed Gravatt, Past Commander

Just in case any of you haven’t noticed, the Town of Thurmont did an excellent job in cleaning up after Colorfest, and wasn’t it a beautiful weekend. I want to send out a big “Thank You” to several members of our Sons of the American Legion for their tireless efforts getting our Octoberfest set up and cleaned up. Without their assistance, it wouldn’t have come off so effortlessly. Now we can start planning for next year.

In the past couple of months, we have had to do some extensive repairs, and there will be a handicap restroom in the near future. All of this required some patience, both on our part and from members who had to contend with our construction mess and inconveniences.

There is some really good entertainment here at the Legion this month. On Saturday, November 4, 5 1/2 Men will be here again; pretty soon, they might have to change their name to 5 3/4 Men. They are a very good band, playing a variety of music from country to Rock to Pop. On November 11, we have the honor to have the Catoctin High School Safe & Sane Dance here again this year. This is an excellent event, raising funds to help keep our Kids SAFE, and out of trouble. On November 17, we will have TC Beats in our party room.

Please remember that our kitchen is open on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings, from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Doreen and Christi do a wonderful job; we are lucky to have them.  The soups and specials from our kitchen are made from scratch and could compare to any of the finest restaurants around. Come on out for a good meal. Join us for the Ace of Hearts drawing on Wednesdays or for Bingo on Thursdays, along with  some great entertainment on most Fridays.

We, here at the Edwin C Creeger American Legion Post 168, would like to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. For any of you who may be venturing into the wilderness this month in search of the elusive White Tail Deer, please have a safe and successful hunt.