Christ’s Community Church, Emmitsburg
by Theresa Dardanell
From the outside, Christ’s Community Church doesn’t look like a traditional church. Don’t let that stop you from going inside. The people are friendly and welcoming. The building not only has a sanctuary for worship, but it also has several classrooms for children, a nursery available for babies and toddlers, a kitchen and fellowship dining hall, and a room set up as a coffee house. Many of the rooms have live projection to a TV so that the service can be viewed throughout the building. The best thing about the building, however, is what goes on inside.
The 10:30 a.m. Sunday service begins with prayers, music, and the opportunity to greet everyone. The very energetic praise team leads the congregation in uplifting and inspiring songs. After the scripture reading and announcements, the children move to the classrooms for age-appropriate lessons. Kids Connect Juniors (ages 2 to 5) enjoy a snack, activities, and crafts while learning about the Bible. Children, ages 6 to 12, participate in Kids Connect, where they learn about Bible stories through skits, videos, songs, and more. Communion is offered on the fourth Sunday of the month. After the message given by Pastor John Talcott, followed by a closing song and prayers, members gather in the dining hall for a meal and fellowship. Pastor John’s wife, Dana Talcott, said that sharing a meal every week helps build relationships.
Sunday services are only the beginning; there are activities for all ages during the week, and everything is open to members of the community. Every Wednesday, after a brief worship service at 7:00 p.m., adults meet for women’s Bible study or community Bible study. Kids Connect is available for children ages 2 to 12. The “Equip” class for middle-school students also meets during this time to encourage friendships and faith. The CCC Youth group, ages 12 to 18, headed by Brandon and Megan Fitz, meets on the second and fourth Fridays at 7:00 p.m. Brandon and Megan work together to provide a time for youth to connect with each other and encourage one another during worship, Bible study, and videos, as well as songs, games, snacks, and socialization. The Young Adult group for college students and young adults in their 20s and 30s meets monthly to encourage building relationships and growing together spiritually while having fun.
Along with Bible study, men and women enjoy many opportunities to socialize and encourage one another. Men are invited to participate in discipleship, evangelism, and leadership training, as well as retreats and mission trips; they also enjoy a monthly breakfast meeting. Members of the Women’s Ministry meet for breakfast and social activities. Julia Neel said that they also provide support to people in the community with meals, transportation, and prayers, when they hear of a special need. Once or twice a year, the women have the opportunity to attend a conference or retreat together.
There are lots of opportunities for fun and learning for children. Members host the children’s area during the annual Emmitsburg Community Heritage Days festival, and provide games for the children during National Night Out, an annual partnership between police and the community. A very special event for children is the yearly Emmitsburg Community Day camp. Last year, the camp for children was held in July and featured crafts, stories, games, science experiments, water slides, a giant bubble machine, snow cones, and a trip to the Emmitsburg Community Pool. This year, the camp will run from Monday, July 13, through Friday, July 17. Children, ages 3 to 12, will enjoy games, crafts, stories, outdoor water play, snow cones, lunch and snacks, and lots more. Camp begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m. The cost is only $30.00 for the entire week. Contact the Children’s Ministry for registration and payment information.
Pastor John Talcott said that community and ministry outreach includes support for the Seton Center; Emmitsburg Food Bank; Pennsylvania Delaware District Council of the Assemblies of God; Compassion International; Jason Jablonski Ministries; General Council of the Assemblies of God; Missionaries to Romania, as well as to Argentina; Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge; Convoy of Hope; Light for The Lost; and Speed the Light.
The church also has a special (but unconventional) ministry. It’s not a food bank…it’s called a food pantry because the food is in an actual pantry cabinet like you would see in a kitchen; yet, the cabinet is on the outside of the building. Dana Talcott said that Brittany Fritz of Miss B’s Family Child Care contacted the church with the idea of a pantry that is well-stocked with non-perishable food that is free for anyone to take at any time. Mrs. Talcott said that they are thankful to the community and church members for keeping it filled.
Christ’s Community Church is located at 303 West Lincoln Avenue in Emmitsburg. Check out their very extensive website at Along with calendar and contact information, you will find sermons, articles, videos, and more.
Members of Christ’s Community Church.