Currently viewing the tag: "American Legion Auxiliary"

Wreaths Across America is an annual collaborative that honors our nation’s veterans around the holidays by placing wreaths on their graves.

Several organizations went to work to transport, deliver, unload, and distribute wreaths in the Thurmont area on Wednesday, December 13, 2023. A Sheetz truck delivered 72 boxes containing 12 wreaths per box for a total of 864 wreaths to volunteers representing the Thurmont Lions Club, the Sons of the American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary, the American Legion Post 168, the Town of Thurmont, Cub Scout Troop 279, and Pack 270. The wreaths were unloaded, prepared for distribution, and delivered to local cemeteries.

Pictured left to right are: April Fordham, Alex Dankanich (American Legion), Mark Resch (Pack 270), Jimmy Best with Parker Best (Troop 270) and Aubrey Best (Pack 270), Allen Middendorff (Thurmont Lions Club), Jim Robbin’s, Brian Glass, Buz Mackley, and John Byrne (American Legion).

Photo by Deb Abraham Spalding

How do you define the success of a program? The Thurmont Legion Post 168 had poppies in businesses throughout Thurmont for the entire month of May. The businesses were Kountry Kitchen, Hobbs Hardware, Bollinger’s Restaurant, Rocky’s NY Pizza, Fratellis, Criswell Chevrolet, and Gateway Candyland. They also had them, and will continue to have them, all year round at Marie’s Beauty Salon and Main Street Thurmont. The Legion’s Memorial Day Ceremony was held in Memorial Park on May 30, 2019. At that time, the Legion’s Poppy Princess, Ella Renner, who is the granddaughter of Vietnam Veteran and American Legion member, Roland Renner and the late Gail Renner, an American Legion Auxiliary member, distributed poppies throughout the crowd.

Thurmont Legion’s goal each year is to be more visible than the year before. This year, they added Hobbs Hardware, Rocky’s NY Pizza, Fratellis, Criswell Chevrolet, and Main Street Thurmont as its partners to promote and collect donations. The second goal is to collect more money than the year prior. This year, the Legion collected $351. Last year, approximately $212 was collected. Since the Legion achieved both goals, the Poppy Program was a success. If your business would like to be involved in the Poppy program next year, please send an email to

A reminder that the Legion’s kitchen hours for Tuesday are 5:00-8:00 p.m. and is Wing Buffet; Wednesday hours are 5:00-8:00 p.m.; Thursday and Friday  hours are noon-8:00 p.m. Come check them out for lunch or dinner. Follow them on Facebook to keep up with the lunch and dinner specials: The American Legion Post 168.

Auxiliary early bird dues payment will be Monday, July 1, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Pay your dues on this night, and your name will be put in a drawing to win $30 (aka free dues). There will be two winners drawn.

June brought the Legion to the installation of Officers for the 2019-2020 year (shown below) and a new year of paying your dues.

Thurmont Mayor John Kinnaird and Thurmont American Legion’s Poppy Princess Ella Renner.