Member of VFW 6658 Emmitsburg places a flag for retirement during Flag Day Ceremony.
This year marked the 100th anniversary of Flag Day. The Thurmont American Legion Post 168, in coordination with Legion Post 121 Emmitsburg and AMVETS Post 7 Thurmont, hosted a Flag Day Ceremony at Memorial Park. Guest Speaker and special music set the tone on the importance of our national flag and its historical and current significance to our nation.
June 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress commemorated the adoption of our national flag. In 1916, it was proclaimed by President Woodrow Wilson, officially establishing the day as Flag Day. The year 1877 marked the first celebration of Flag Day. To this day, civic groups such as the American Legion, VFW, and AMVETS host a ceremony on June 14 to honor our national flag.
Every year, Post 168 and Post 121 alternate towns where the ceremony is held. Included in the ceremony is a flag retirement ceremony. The United States Flag Code states: “The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem of display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.” Worn, ripped, and damaged flags are usually given to the American Legion for disposal. A special ceremony honoring our nation’s flag is done and the flags are then burned.
BSA Scouts T270B/G, T1011 (Walkersville), Venturing Crew 270, Cub Scout Pack 270, Girl Scouts Daisy and Brownie T37191, and Girl Scout Junior T37126 spent hours folding bags of flags properly, including a flag donated by Criswell in Thurmont. Scouts, as well as ceremony attendees, took turns retiring our nation’s flag with honor.