The Thurmont Lions Club invited PDG Paul Cannada to induct the new officers for the 2024-2025 Lions Year on June 26.
During the installation, each officer was called up individually and asked if they were willing to perform their official duties during the 2024-2025 Lions year.
Pictured from left are: (front row) Lion Bob Johnson, 2-Year director; Lion Don Keeney, Jr., Tail Twister; Lion Nancy Echard, President; Lion Ruth Heaney, Lion Tamer; (back row) Lion Kim Grimm, 2-Year Director; Beverly Nunemaker, 2-Year Director; Lion Marci Veronie, 3rd Vice President; Susan Favorite, Immediate Past President; Lion Joyce Anthony, Secretary; Lion David Crum, Dues Treasurer; Lion Doug Favorite, Treasurer. Absent from picture is Paul Cannada, LCIF Coordinator and Training Development.
The Thurmont Lions Club meets the second and fourth Wednesdays at St. John Lutheran Church in Thurmont, beginning 6:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Julie El-Taher at 301-788-0855 or