In remembrance of 9/11, the Lewistown Ruritan presented miniature U.S. flags to customers purchasing BBQ chicken at the September 10th BBQ. Many customers expressed appreciation for the recognition by the Ruritan members for this tragic day when over 3,000 innocent people lost their lives.
The Lewistown Ruritan members start early in the morning on BBQ days to have the chicken ready to sell to the community by 10:00 a.m. This is quite a team effort that helps to provide funds from the BBQs for community projects.
Ruritan members listed in no particular order: Sam Roop, Ron Gartrell, Jeff Barber, Dick Baseley, Ben Tilley, Norm Lambert, Doug Baseley, Patricia Goff, Steve Moser, Loberta Staley, Harold Staley, Chuck Jenkins, Rich Rippeon, Ron Demory, Jim Brown, and Frank Warner.