Mayor Frank Davis
Mayor Davis was unavailable to write his Mayor’s message for this edition. He is on a family vacation. He will return next month with more town news.
Burgess Heath Barnes
Greetings! I hope everyone is staying cool during this hot summ er. It seems like summer has flown by, and I know the school children feel this way as they will be returning to the classrooms this month. I hope each stu dent and teacher has a good and safe return to the classrooms and a great school year.
We had a quiet meeting on July 9, as there was not much on the agenda. We discussed the Community Parks and Playgrounds Grant that is available from the county. Unlike the Program Open Space Grant that can only be used for new projects—such as the skate park, the stage, and the bathroom th at is about to be built on the east side of the park—this grant can be used for r epair. We plan to submit for a grant to get our pond dredged. Hopefully , we get the grant so that we can clean the pond well and keep it for years to come, and p ossibly even get the fish stocked in it again each year.
Our August meeting will take place on Monday, August 12, at 7:00 p.m., instead of the typical second Tuesday of the month. So, anyone interested in attending, mark your calendars accordingly. We are also working on getting some estimates for additional streetlights in town where there are some very dark areas, particularly the upper Copper Oaks neighborhood.
Believe it or not, Woodsboro Days is just over two months away. Look for the advertisement here in the newspaper in the September and Oc tober editions. Woodsboro Days will be held on October 19 this year , and the plans are for it to be even bigger and better than ever. If you would like to be a vendor , please reach out me at hbarnes@woodsboro.org or 301-401-7164.
The July 4th music event that is put on by Joe Williams in the park was once again a success. I was not able to attend, but I have heard good things. Thank you, Joe, for putting on this community event each year and uti lizing the stage that was built for these events.
As always, I encourage everyone to support Glade Valley Community Services (GVCS) if you have clothes or food donations, as they are always in need of items for members of the community. For more information, please contact GVCS by email at gvcs.inc@verizon.net or by calling 301 -845-0213.
If you have any questions, concerns, complaints, or compliments , please feel free to reach out to me at hbarnes@woodsboro.or g or by phone at 301-401- 7164.
Woodsboro town meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. In addition, Planning and Zoning (P&Z) meetings are at 6:00 p.m. on the first Monday of the month, as needed. If you have an item fo r the agenda, it needs to be submitted 14 days before the P&Z meeting. The current location for meetings is the St. Johns United Church of Christ, located at 8 N. 2nd Street, Woodsboro, MD 21798. The public is always invited to attend.