Germantown Church of God

by Theresa Dardanell

On Sunday, August 25, take a scenic drive to a historic mountaintop church in Cascade and join the members of the Germantown Church of God for the Sunday worship service and a community picnic. Of course, the invitation to join them is not limited to August 25. Pastor Mark Hosler said that everyone is welcome at all times for worship, fellowship, study, and service. 

When the original church was built in 1871, Cascade was known as Germantown. The present-day church was built in 1948, and the cemetery is now located where the original church stood. When the congregation celebrated the 100th anniversary in 1971, the new educational wing was dedicated. A Family Life Center was added in 1996. 

The additional space gives the members lots of room for the Sunday School classes, Bible study, social events, service projects, and an impressive library. Sunday School classes are held after the 9:30 a.m. service. There is one class for small children, one class for the youth, and three classes for adults. The Women’s Ministry meets on the first Tuesday of every month; Bible study follows a brief business meeting. Banquets and breakfasts are held in the Family Life Center. Bible School for children ages three through sixth grade will be held August 5-9, and will feature uplifting music, inspiring Bible lessons, games, and snacks. The library, located in the educational wing, is actually two rooms, filled with DVD’s and books for adults and children. Historical items are on display in one of the rooms. Church librarian E. Joy Poling said that there are currently 11,500 items in the library, with more added every month. Subjects include fiction, non-fiction, history, inspiration, and christian living.

Service to others includes helping church members, as well as supporting local and worldwide community organizations and missions.

A ride to Sunday services for several members without transportation is provided by one of the parishioners. On the third Wednesday of each month, members worship together and then serve a meal to the guests and residents at the Hagerstown Rescue Mission. “Food for the First” on the first Sunday of every month gives everyone the opportunity to donate money and food for the Help Hotline Food Bank. The church generously participates in the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child shoebox program, which provides gifts of toys, school supplies, and hygiene items for children all over the world. They also provide financial support to worldwide missions and missionaries; a portion of the church income is designated for this purpose.

Mission trips by members are part of the ministry and have included trips to New Mexico, Haiti, and South Africa. Also, one church family has traveled to areas where natural disasters have occurred to provide assistance.

There are lots of opportunities for fellowship. Movie nights, summer campfires, dinners, and breakfasts are some of the social activities enjoyed by all.

The Sunday service at 9:30 a.m. includes reflection, announcements, prayers, scripture reading and message, and contemporary and traditional music with piano and organ accompaniment. Communion is offered once a month.

Christian Education Director Ann Donatto said that children through third grade are invited to participate in children’s church, where they can experience a worship service designed for them. A nursery is also available. 

Coming up on Sunday, August 4, the service will feature the Gospel group, Daystar. 

Pastor Mark Hosler expressed, “Our purpose is to move people toward Jesus through worship services, Sunday school, and service projects. Jesus can bring healing and restoration and wholeness to people’s lives. We want to move people toward him.”

Visit the Germantown Church of God at 16924 Raven Rock Road in Cascade or call 301-241-3050. 


Pastor Mark Hosler (front row, left) with members of the Germantown Church of God.

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